Japan Academy of Public Health Nursing

Message from the President (2022)

President Reiko Okamoto

  Greetings to all.

  The Japan Academy of Public Health Nursing was established in July 2012 and became a general incorporated association in April 2015, celebrating its 10th anniversary in FY2021 with nearly 2,000 members. Dr. Kazuko Saeki (FY 2012-2015) and Dr. Kiyomi Asahara (FY 2016-2021) were the first and second chairpersons, and I began my service as the chair in June 2022.

  The world today is in an era of climate change due to global warming, pandemics caused by emerging infectious diseases, military invasions and conflicts among nations, and other events that threaten the lives of people on a global scale. It is precisely in times such as these that we, as professionals involved in public health nursing, need to return to our higher goal of ensuring that “No one will be left behind”, to prepare ourselves and to enhance our ability to collaborate with others to make progress.
  With this objective in mind, we adopted “Transformation and continuity in public health nursing toward health for all” as the main theme of this term’s conference activities. We will strive to improve the quality of practice, education, and research based on the solid academic development of public health nursing. By doing so, we aim to achieve the Grand Design 2035, which outlines the direction and vision of public health nursing that the Academy should fulfill for society.

  The following are our priorities for the next two years:
Activity Policies (Fifth Term of Incorporation 2022-2024)
1) Brush up the Grand Design for Public Health Nursing – Toward 2035 and increasing the visibility of our activities
2) Development of practice guidelines based on the system of public health nursing and implementation of evidence-based activities
3) Launch of the professional certification system and further development of the system; and linkages among practice, education, and research
4) Promotion of academic activities in the post-corona and new era (digital transformation, globalization, hybridization)
5) Continuous quality improvement to make academic activities more attractive for the retention and expansion of membership
6) Issuing policy recommendations and statements geared toward the public

  For the academic development of public health nursing and the improvement and promotion of practice, education, and research, we look forward to your continued support and our active dialogue in the coming years.

June 2022
Reiko Okamoto
General Incorporated Association Japan Academy of Public Health Nursing
